Cabling Chronicles

Free Cable Test Management Software – Reaping the Benefits of LinkWare™

Testing advanced cabling plants today is so complex that a single Category 5e test report can include more than 400 data fields. With typical jobs including hundreds and even thousands of links, even if network engineers examine all the results and determine that they all pass, there are still critical questions remaining: How can you tell if an incorrect test specification or the wrong adapter was used? Were all testers using the right software? Did you get the margins you expected and were they consistent?

March 28, 2013

How to Increase Multimode Testing Accuracy with Encircled Flux

测试过多模光纤链路的人都应该了解,如果使用不同设备供应商提供的不同光源,最终得到的损耗值的浮动性高达50%。若未进行适当控制,则多模光源会以不同的方式将光注入多模光纤。  即使采用同一制造商生产的光源,但在不同的发射条件下也会产生不同的链路损耗测量结果,最终出现不同的 — 并且通常令人困惑的 — 测试结果。

不同类型的光源会有不同的发射条件。例如:发光二极管 (LED) 会使多模光纤过多填充模式组,而激光又未使光纤填充足够的模式组。Overfilling tends to produce link-loss measurements that are inappropriately high and under filling tends to generate loss measurements that are optimistic in regards to the loss that will occur in the cabling once it is operational. 


March 11, 2013

Co-location Data Center Operators Testing Next Generation Cabling.

I recently had occasion to visit with several individuals from a high growth sub segment of our industry. Co-location data centers enable organizations to rent equipment space and bandwidth.

February 28, 2013

OTDR Troubleshooting in the Data Center? ...Yes we can!

The growing demand for higher bandwidth is affecting nearly every industry today, as organizations rely more on applications that support a variety of critical business processes. Whether it’s high-definition video, social media support, electronic medical records or other high-bandwidth applications, companies increasingly are facing a need to support higher capacity data transmission for their employees, customers and business partners. This trend toward greater capacity has in turn created an increased need for high bandwidth fiber optic cabling in the data center.

February 21, 2013

Encircled Flux – What is it, and Why Should You Care?

With the introduction of low loss fiber optic components such as LC/MPO cassettes, loss budgets (test limits) are becoming increasingly smaller. As a result, installers are finding out that previous methods and assumptions about fiber testing no longer hold true.

While the Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) still allows 0.75 dB per connector, factory polished connectors are closer to 0.2 dB. So when testing to TIA limits, installers are afforded quite a bit of measurement uncertainty. In other words, their testing practices need to be reasonable but not perfect.

February 8, 2013

Finding the keys to success in the MPO datacenter

当所有公司都在为了支持日益庞大的业务程序解决 IP 流量需求的激增问题时,许多公司正在利用光纤网络设计各自的数据中心,以支持服务器、交换机和存储区域网络之间 10G 或 40G 以太网连接,以及用于核心交换的 100G 以太网和路由主干连接。

在 2012 年 5 月召开的 Interop 2012 会议上,以太网联盟作为致力于改进以太网技术的全球联盟,主办了一项互操作性演示,重点介绍了 10G 和 40G 以太网无缝互操作性。它宣称这项功能可使以太网“具备独特的性能以支持数据中心的云计算、汇聚和虚拟化。”   

January 10, 2013

LinkWare 7 –A good thing just got a lot better!

What do Albert Einstein and Michael Jordan have in common?  No, they’re not both LinkWare users… They focused on continuously learning and pushing the envelope even though they were already far ahead of everybody else. Just like our engineers who worked tirelessly to rebuild LinkWare from the ground up and make the best even better. Improvements include:

June 27, 2012

This one is for the ages! New OTDR redefines enterprise fiber testing.

By now you will have heard about the new OptiFiber Pro OTDR  and that’s a relief for me because I’ve been biting my tongue for a while!  Now that its been announced, let me share my impressions and an overview of what makes the product unique.  I will also include some links to more detailed information.  Take this from a guy that has spent five of the last seven years playing with OTDRs… I’ve used them all.  And this one is going to change everything!

March 14, 2012